Student Snapshot – Alex Duque

Alex Duque
BFA Class of 2027
Introduce yourself briefly and tell me a little bit about your background. Are you an MFA or BFA?
My name’s Alex Duque. I grew up in a Venezuelan family in South Florida. I’m someone who likes to work with my hands and move around a lot, so I try to rock climb when I’m not making movies.
Who is your favorite Filmmaker and What is your favorite movie?
My favorite filmmaker would probably be Edgar Wright. He’s one of those directors who more than anything want to have fun with whatever he works on and wants to make the most of this medium by telling stories that are only suited for the big screen. He also reminds me that whatever I make can have profound impacts on others and inspire them to create even more cool things. Likewise, one of my favorite movies is his sci-fi comedy, The World’s End. It’s such a cleverly crafted film, to the point where even if the story doesn’t seem unique it still hooks deep and has some real cool surprises along the way. The passion for the film is all over the screen and it’s that love and care that makes you want to care too.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently in pre-production for my F1. With the scripting process coming to a close, the biggest thing I’m working on right now is location scouting for the film I’m directing and helping as a producer for another classmate and their location endeavors.
What does your typical day look like?
I usually walk to class which allows me to think about any assignments I’m currently in the process of working on. Then I chat with friends before locking in for class. That’s usually followed by lunch with my classmates and then some more class after that. Once the school day’s over I either make plans with my classmate to watch a movie, work on making a movie, or just get dinner with my roommate.
What has been the best part of film school so far?
My favorite part about film school has been the thrill of not knowing who I’m going to sit next to in class. There’s a ton of cool people in my cohort and I like the impromptu nature of just picking at random who I sit next to.
Which faculty member has made the greatest impression on you and how?
I really appreciate my editing professor, Thomas Gast. He’s a real down-to-earth kind of guy who is regularly checking in to see how we’re doing both in our assignments and life in general. It’s very clear that he loves Editing and it radiates while he teaches.
What do you think someone applying to the program should know about the FSU Film School?
It is a very busy schedule admittedly and you are exposed to a lot of the same people which could be really fun, but there’s a whole world outside the Film School so be sure to enjoy those moments when you’re able to.
Favorite Film School Moment?
When I was a Production Assistant on one of the upperclassmen’s sets, they weren’t sure how to approach a certain setup. Since the vibe there was very positive and supportive, I suggested something and they listened and ran with my idea. It not only made me feel good but valued.
It’s late, you’re at the Film School working on something you need to finish before tomorrow: where are you and who are you with?
I’m probably in the WOPR Editing Lab and Carlos is probably there too.