Student Snapshot: Aaron Chung

Aaron Chung
MFA Writing ’18
I was raised in Tampa, Florida by two very strict but very loving parents and an older sister who has twice my intelligence. Growing up as an Asian-American, I had trouble communicating my thoughts and feelings to other people. For a few years, I used the outlet of stand-up comedy to try and get my opinions across, but I found myself a little too morbid for the stage. So, I eventually turned to writing to help with my communication problems. And what started as an outlet quickly turned into a passion.
Favorite Movie?
Tough question. It’s always been a three-way tie between The Truman Show, In Bruges, and Hot Fuzz, but the most influential for me as a student screenwriter is In Bruges.
Favorite Filmmaker?
Edgar Wright, Martin McDonagh, and most recently, Julia Ducournau
What are you currently working on?
Currently, I’m working on two feature screenplays. The first one is a comedy centered around a girl gamer within the world of competitive video gaming. The second project is a romance/drama set in 1980 about two girls developing a relationship amidst racial turmoil.
What has been the best part of Film School?
The people! From the wonderful faculty to the amazing but crazy student body, I’ve met some memorable people here and made some of my closest friends.
Which faculty member has made the greatest impression on you and how?
Another tough question. Julianna Baggott. She pushed me to write from my own voice and not just the concept I have. She was tough, sometimes a little too stern, but she always came from a place of care and experience. Because of her, I always focus on why I want to write and how I’m personally connected to the ideas I have.
What do you think someone applying to the program should know about the FSU Film School?
You are going to work your butt off. There’s going to be sleepless nights. And there might be blood, sweat, and tears. But the FSU Film School makes it all worth it and the hard work always pays off.